TGIF (15) and Feature and Follow Friday (2)

Ginger from GReads is will be putting a number of her features on hold temporarily at the beginning of September due to her busy schedule.  I am going to miss answering the fabulous book-related questions she poses every week!

I’ve seen a number of book bloggers participate in multiple memes on the same day, so for the next few weeks (until September), I will participate in both TGIF and Feature & Follow Friday (more info below).


TGIF at GReads is weekly event hosted by Ginger from GReads.  The features allows us to recap the weeks posts and to answer a book-related question proposed by Ginger.  This week’s question is:

Choose Your Next Read: How do you go about choosing what you read next? Do you have a schedule you follow, or do you read whatever makes you happy at the moment?

I’m a huge mood reader, and my mood changes all the time.  I’ve tried to make monthly lists of books I plan to read (see my July TBR list), but it never goes well.  I always have a huge stack of books from the library, plus the books I own, and I just try to find one that fits my mood.  For example, this summer I was really into reading contemporary YA fiction, but now I am getting back into paranormal YA.

Currently I’m reading The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin, which is fitting my mood pretty well, although it is kinda weird.  I’m not 100% sure that I like it, but I’ve read so much already that I need to finish it.


Feature & Follow Friday

Feature & Follow Friday is hosted by both Alison Can Read & Parakunkee’s View. The point of Feature & Follow Friday is to gain blog followers for book bloggers.  You can find more info about this meme here.

Best cover? What is the best cover of a book that you’ve read and loved?

There are so many books I’ve loved, and so many covers I’ve loved.  And, of course, books I’ve loved with crappy covers.  One of my favorite covers, though, is . . .

Charles and Emma: The Darwins’ Leap of Faith by Deborah Heiligman
I just love this cover for so may reasons.  First, I love how simple it is; it isn’t over run with stuff.  Also, I love Charles and Emma’s silhouettes.  You get the feeling that there is a love story here, based on the way they are looking at each other.  And then there is the silhouette of the ape, which of course makes you think of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.  The cover really gives you an idea about what the book will be about.  And then, to top it all off, the book is amazing!

I don’t read a ton of non-fiction (and the non-fiction I read is usually children’s books), but I highly recommend this.  It really does read like a novel for the most part.  And it makes the story so much sweeter because it is true.  Charles and Emma loved and cared about each other, despite their differing beliefs about religion.  It shows that people can respect other peoples beliefs, and still follow their own beliefs.  Does that make sense?

Anyway, do you like this cover?  And if you have read this book, what did you think of it?

P.S. Deborah Heiligman has a new YA Fiction book out called Intentions.  I’m very curious about this book because it seems so different from Charles and Emma.

Recent Posts on Quinn’s Book Nook

In My Mailbox #26
Review: Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot
Top Ten Bookish Confessions
Waiting on Decked with Holly by Marni Bates
Review: Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

About Quinn

I'm a twenty-something children's librarian at a public library in Central New York. I've long left my teen years behind me, but I love to read YA and children's books. I have two adorable dogs. Ginger is a mix between a poodle and havanese, and Daphne is Bichon Frise. Other things I love: Favorite Movie: Singing in the Rain Favorite Book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Favorite TV Show: Monk
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14 Responses to TGIF (15) and Feature and Follow Friday (2)

  1. Ariel Avalon says:

    Charles and Emma is a cute cover!

    New rss follower

  2. Braine says:

    Haven’t heard of this but I love the title.

    New Follower
    Talk Supe F&F

  3. Liesel Hill says:

    Great pick! Old follower. My FFs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill if you’re interested. Happy Friday! 😀

  4. Hi Quinn,
    Following you by email, confirmed the subscription. My FF

    I’m a moody reader too. That’s why I’m constantly bouncing between 10-20 books. I can only really read what I feel like reading at that exact minute. If none of the books I’m currently reading appeals to me, I just start another book, then another, then another…

    The book on Charles Darwin…did they cover at all how he felt about the impact his theories had on society? Did he realize how much of an effect it would have? Sounds interesting.

  5. I’m definitely a mood reader as well, since I read for fun!

  6. Kim says:

    I haven’t seen the cover or read the book.

    I’m a new RSS follower.

    My FF –

  7. Vyki says:

    Unbecoming is weird, but a weird that I really enjoyed! I am definitely a mood reader as well. Here’s my TGIF:

  8. Hidalgelis says:

    omg me too I could sometimes get angry, sad, or even extra hyper by reading a book. I though I was weird and the only one, I am glad there are other people who relate to me.

    Checking new blogs :D, love it

    new follower from blog hop follow me back at

  9. New follower through email….Please visit/follow me at . My best cover/best read would be Wither by Lauren DeStefano.
    Happy Reading and nice to meet you!

  10. I haven’t read Charles and Emma but I do plan to read Intentions 😀 I don’t usually read nonfiction either, so maybe I’ll check this book out 😀

    New Follower through email 😀

    ~ Moosubi Reviews!

  11. This cover is very interesting – and your explanation even better! I don’t know if I’d read this book only because fiction is where my heart lies, however in college one of my friends did a book report on this book and also loved it. Maybe I should step out of my fiction-y bubble a bit. 😉

    **new RSS follower here**

    I’d love for you to check out my FF at Between the Bind.

    Jenna Lynne

    • Quinn says:

      It doesn’t feel too much like a non-fiction book. I mean you do still get info about lots of stuff, like a good non-fiction book has. But it also really reads like a fiction book.

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