15 Day Book Blogging Challenge: Day 6

You guys, April from Good Books and Good Wine came up with the best Blogging Challenge!  And I’m totally participating because it is the best idea ever!  Anyway, she came up with 15 challenges (one a day).  You should totally participate, too!  Here’s the cool graphic and challenges April put together.


It’s Day 6 and today I’m sharing how I shop for books.

So, I’m a librarian, which means that I am pretty much surrounded by books.  Which is totally awesome, of course, but it makes my book buying habits a little different, I think, than non-librarians.

Don’t get me wrong, I like owning my own books, and in a perfect world I’d have one of these  . . .

library 1library 2library 3








But even then I would still be a frequent library user.  For one book stores rarely have backlisted items.  I think libraries make it so easy to try new books without the fear of wasted money.  Anyway, back to buying books.

When I walk into a bookstore, I head straight to the Teen Section.  I know, this shocks everyone 🙂

Although I love browsing the shelves of book stores, I rarely buy books on a whim.  I pick up books I’ve either read before and loved (I do this a ton, actually – buy books I’ve read from the library) or buy books that I cannot wait to come into the library.

If I’m at a Used Book Sale, though, I totally pick up random books that I know nothing about.  If they are only a couple bucks, I feel like it’s worth the risk of me not liking it.

Now, if I’m at an author signing, I always buy books by the authors.  I feel like it’s the right thing to do, to support the bookstore (especially if it’s an independent bookstore) and to support the authors.  I don’t go to that many signings, though.

Anyway, that’s how I shop for books.  How do you shop for books?

About Quinn

I'm a twenty-something children's librarian at a public library in Central New York. I've long left my teen years behind me, but I love to read YA and children's books. I have two adorable dogs. Ginger is a mix between a poodle and havanese, and Daphne is Bichon Frise. Other things I love: Favorite Movie: Singing in the Rain Favorite Book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Favorite TV Show: Monk
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6 Responses to 15 Day Book Blogging Challenge: Day 6

  1. Emily J. says:

    I am a total library fiend myself, and I’m not even a librarian. I so rarely buy books anymore, unless it’s at a signing or a series that my library doesn’t have all of (WHYYYY DO THEY DO THAT TO ME??!).

  2. I love that Beauty and the Beast library gif, it’s gorgeous! 🙂 I’m the same way with buying books, I don’t buy books on a whim either. If I check a particular book out from the library a lot I’ll eventually just buy it, and there are some books that I’m too excited to wait to see if the library gets them in! 🙂

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  3. I really need to get a library card. We have 2 in town and I have only been there once. There are definitely books I could get from there. Love the Beauty and the Beast story too, i want one of those in my house!

  4. I love visiting my library. I only wish that my kid would allow me more browsing time. I typically have 1-2 minutes to pick out a book before he starts getting bored, so I miss a lot of gems and get fooled by the pretty covers.

  5. alwaysjany says:

    My Day 6 post was solely on how I get books at the library! I only buy books if I’ve been hearing a lot about them or if somebody recommends it and it’s 5 stars on goodreads. I’m very picky when it comes to buying books

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