Review: Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt

going vintageGoing Vintage
Author: Lindsey Leavitt
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Age Group: Teen
Source: Netgalley
Good Reads     |     Amazon
Rating: 3.25 out of 5 stars
Release Date: March 26, 2013

Summary from GoodReads:

When Mallory discovers that her boyfriend, Jeremy, is cheating on her with an online girlfriend, she swears off boys. She also swears off modern technology. Inspired by a list of goals her grandmother made in 1962, Mallory decides to “go vintage” and return to a simpler time (when boyfriends couldn’t cheat on you online). She sets out to complete grandma’s list: run for pep club secretary, host a dinner party, sew a homecoming dress, find a steady, do something dangerous. But the list is trickier than it looks. And obviously finding a steady is out . . . no matter how good Oliver (Jeremy’s cousin) smells. But with the help of her sister, she’ll get it done. Somehow. Lindsey Leavitt perfectly pairs heartfelt family moments, laugh-out-loud humor, and a little bit of romance in this delightful contemporary novel.

My Thoughts

This is the first book I’ve read by Lindsey Leavitt.  When I first saw the summary for this book, I was so excited.  I loved the idea of a girl giving up modern technology.  I was stoked (hehe, I’m super excited that I got to use the word “stoked”) to get approved for it on Netgalley.  I definitely thought Going Vintage was a fun book, but I can’t say that it blew me away or anything.

I think sometimes I just didn’t get Mallory, the main character.  Well, I did get her most of the time, but sometimes I couldn’t quite grasp her character.  So Mallory finds this old list her grandmother wrote way back in the 1960s, right after Mallory discovers her boyfriends online girlfriend.  So she latches onto this idea that being a teen in the 1960s was simpler.  And I guess this was what I had a difficult time with.  I mean, even in high school I knew being a teen (especially a teen girl!) in that time period would have kind of sucked.  I just couldn’t logically understand where Mallory came up with that idea.  Don’t get me wrong, I understand why she wanted to take a step back from social networking, and ever modern technology.  But why does she think living the 1960s was so great?  But besides that, I did like Mallory.  It was really interesting seeing her grow as a person – from only thinking of herself as Jeremy’s boyfriend to becoming her own self – not having her identity tied to another individual.

But I think my most favorite character was definitely Mallory’s sister, Ginnie.  Oh my gosh, seriously, can she be my best friend!?  I will totally drive her to all her soccer practices.  Ginnie is such an interesting character.  She’s funny, smart, and totally adorable.  Although, as much as I loved Ginnie, Oliver gave her a run for her money as my favorite character.  Seriously, guys, he’s awesome (think angel-y voice singing “awesome”).  He’s sweet, and ambitious, and thoughtful, and oh my gosh, I want an Oliver.

The story was good, and for the most part it didn’t drag.  I do admit thinking a few times that I hoped I was almost done, but that might be more due to the fact that some books I ordered online came in and I wanted to read them.  The little twist about Mallory’s grandmother was interesting, and I thought it did provide an accurate look at what it was like for girls growing up in the 1960s.  Also, I totally loved Mallory’s grandmother!

Actually that leads me to something else I liked about Going Vintage.  The whole family set-up.  I loved that Mallory and Ginnie’s parents are a definite part of the story.  Although I couldn’t alway get Mallory’s difficult relationship with her mother, I liked that the parents were around, unlike a lot of other YA books.

Anyway, I definitely liked Going Vintage, but it isn’t a book I would want to own.  Or really ever reading again.

About Quinn

I'm a twenty-something children's librarian at a public library in Central New York. I've long left my teen years behind me, but I love to read YA and children's books. I have two adorable dogs. Ginger is a mix between a poodle and havanese, and Daphne is Bichon Frise. Other things I love: Favorite Movie: Singing in the Rain Favorite Book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Favorite TV Show: Monk
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13 Responses to Review: Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt

  1. Huh! The summary really is interesting and I think I’ll add it to my TBR list if only to find out about this Oliver alone 😀 One can’t have too many book crushes! lol Great review 🙂

  2. ladyruby07 says:

    We romanticize other decades all the time. That’s where that idea that “it was simpler” came from. When you romanticize a decade or period in history you forget all the real-life problems you had that decade/whatever.

    • Quinn says:

      I understand what romanticizing another time period means. What I meant in my review is that I didn’t understand why Mallory WAS romanticizing the 1960s. I mean, why that decade? And why all of the sudden? I couldn’t understand her reasoning, and understanding why a character (especially the main character) does something in the book is pretty important.

  3. I’m glad to hear that family is a huge part of the story – that doesn’t always happen in YA lit.

    Nice honest review!

  4. Ailsa says:

    Ooh, I love the blurb for this, I think I’ll have to check it out. I’m sorry you didn’t like some parts of it, but I don’t think they would be off putting for me – I’m adding this to my tbr list. 🙂

  5. Lucy says:

    I’ve been eyeing this book, but the reviews have been kind of so-so so far. The concept is wonderful, sorry it dragged a bit for you. I’ve only read Sean Griswold’s Head by this author and it’s totally charming. Thanks for giving us the low-down on Going Vintage.

    • Quinn says:

      You should try it out for yourself. Maybe you will love it. But I would recommend borrowing it from the library first, to see if you do like it.

  6. Christina says:

    Great review, Quinn! I felt the same way about this book. I enjoyed it, but it didn’t “wow” me. I thought her sister, Ginnie, was pretty awesome too and I loved the focus on family, too.

  7. I thought the cover of this looked so cute and was considering getting it..but based on the review I think I shall pass!

    • Quinn says:

      Maybe you could borrow it from the library when it is released. That way you can give it a try, but if you don’t care for it, you aren’t out 20 bucks.

  8. Pingback: Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt - HOBBITSIES

  9. Pingback: Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt | Tara Gonzalez

  10. Pingback: Going Vintage | Lindsey Leavitt | Book Review

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